2018 ends with more than 60,000 truck drivers shortage
A shortage in the number of qualified drivers could more than double by 2028 if conditions don’t change, according to the American Trucking Associations (ATA) and article in freightwaves.com
According to the article author John Gallagher – “In its latest report issued today on the state of truck driver employment in the United States, ATA found that the industry needed 60,800 more drivers at the end of 2018 to meet the country’s demand for freight services, up 20 percent from 50,700 estimated last year. That number could jump to 100,000 drivers in five years and 160,000 drivers by 2028, according to the association.”
Read the full story HERE
Source and credits: freightwaves.com / John Gallagher, Washington Correspondent and Mario Pawlowski / iTrucker.com