Another trucker arrested in the middle of protests in Portland


Published by iTrucker at 03 Jun

Another trucker arrested in the middle of protests in Portland

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By: Mario Pawlowski CEO at iTrucker


According to the Portland, Maine Police Department “A tractor-trailer truck that completed delivery on Middle Street drove through the group that was gathered in front of the police station just after 9:30 PM.

The truck was stopped just past the intersection of Middle Street and Franklin Arterial by police.

The driver and his passenger were being confronted by protestors when police were able to intercede. The driver was taken into custody when police and the occupants of the truck started to be attacked.”

Read the full story: HERE

NEWS RELEASEJune 2, 2020Multiple Businesses Damaged and Twenty-Three Arrested The Portland Police Department…

Gepostet von Portland Maine Police Department am Dienstag, 2. Juni 2020


Read the full story: HERE


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