Diesel fuel taxes increase July 1st in a dozen states, and Illinois is the highest


Published by iTrucker at 01 Jul

Diesel fuel taxes increase July 1st in a dozen states, and Illinois is the highest

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“With the turn of the calendar to July, truck drivers will see increased diesel fuel prices in 12 states due to rising fuel taxes. Truckers in Illinois will notice the most sizeable increase in fuel prices, as the tax rate jumped by 24 cents on Monday. The new diesel tax in Illinois is 45.5 cents per gallon, up from 21.5 per gallon.” – According to the article in overdriveonline.com and its author 

Here is a list of other 11 states that hiked diesel fuel tax: Connecticut, Indiana, Maryland, Michigan, Montana, Nebraska Ohio, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tenessee, Virginia.

Read the full story and see the exact diesel tax hikes for each state HERE

Source and credits: overdriveonline.com / 

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