Falcon Transport leaves drivers, brokers and insurers unpaid and equipment dumped
“Falcon Transport, a roughly 700-truck fleet out of Ohio, suddenly shuttered its operations Friday, April 26, notifying workers via ELDs, text messages and emails that they should halt work immediately — including drivers still on the highway hauling the carrier’s freight”. According to article in overdriveonline.com and its author James Jaillet
James Jaillet also wrote – “In addition to marooning those drivers — stranding them without pay, fuel cards or a ticket home — the fleet left millions of dollars in freight stranded roadside and at truckstops, along with leased trucks and company-owned equipment, according to a company official”.
Read full story here : overdriveonline.com/in-its-wake-falcon-leaves-drivers-brokers-and-insurers-unpaid-and-equipment-dumped/
Source and credits : overdriveonline.com / James Jaillet