How trailer ownership could boost your profits as a leased Owner-Operator

“After testing the waters of independence, Rich Rukstalis in 2011 returned to Landstar as a leased owner-operator, hauling dry van loads and transitioning away from working the spot market as a reefer hauler.” – According to the article in and its author James Jaillet
“A year into his stint with Landstar, he had a revelation. “I looked at the numbers, and I said, ‘Now wait a minute. If I had my own trailer, I could get an extra 7%,’ ” he says of the percent-
age of revenue rate that Landstar pays its owner-operators. That is, Rukstalis could score 72% of Landstar’s paid rate rather than the 65% he was earning. “Why should I give them the 7%?” he asked himself then.”- Jaillet also wrote in his article.
Read the full story HERE
Source and credits: / James Jaillet