Is the marijuana an answer to the so-called “truck driver shortage”? (with video)

One of the most significant problems in the trucking industry currently is the shortage of drivers, which has affected both large and small companies. Is marijuana to rescue?
Therefore, the need to address this issue is paramount to reduce the rate of truck driver shortage within the US. There are various reasons attributed to the driver shortage. Still, with the research done, the newest trend attributing to this problem within the trucking industry is the acceptance of the various states on the issue of marijuana use. Research shows that the legalization of this drug use has even created more difficulties finding drug-free drivers. However, the drug testing imposed on truck drivers has promoted a shortage of drivers in this industry, as discussed in this article.
It has been researched and observed that drug testing of marijuana on truck drivers has significantly led to a decrease in truck drivers and has put many of them off the wheel. As a result, more carriers have been seen to do hair tests since marijuana stays in the body for quite some months which frustrates truckers. This has a significant meaning that truck drivers who use marijuana legally stand a great chance of failing the drug test or even walking out the door.
Based on the provided video, it is evident that there is a great worry about the trucking industry’s future. Statics on the video shows that almost 80,000 truck drivers are laid off due to marijuana use every year. This is quite alarming since, by 2030, there shall be a disrupted supply chain and logistics within this industry. Therefore, there is a great need to legalize marijuana and take it off the list of banned substances to ensure that truck drivers remain behind the wheel and encourage more young drivers who use the drug responsibly to qualify for the job to maintain a balanced supply chain.
How do we fix the supply chain crisis? Some say legalizing weed on the federal level is the answer — here's why
— NowThis (@nowthisnews) February 19, 2022
The fact that not only smoking marijuana leads to commercial truck accidents is another point to consider. There are many prospective truck drivers who would like to get employment in the trucking industry and with the random drug testing, this may make them lose interest in the job. Legalizing marijuana, therefore, means a reduced drug test on the highways which leads to an increased interest in the job and would help to keep existing drivers remain behind the wheel since they are no longer frustrated while driving. This would also encourage young drivers who smoke the herb to gain more interest and make more applications reducing the shortage of truck drivers.
Consistent discipline in the use of marijuana is worth considering to ensure that truck drivers remain behind the wheel. For instance, drivers who understand that marijuana impairs them for at least three hours ensure that they do not use the drug during their work time. Legalizing marijuana on the basis of disciplined use will not only encourage drivers from quitting their job but also encourage young drivers to apply for the job.
Moreover, the move by states to legalize marijuana, questions why a trucking company would have the right to refuse employment to a driver. In many cases, the driver may not even be intoxicated while driving since they use it only on the weekends. Therefore, the trucking industry is obligated to know if the driver is driving under the influence before taking any actions that have been seen to promote a shortage of drivers in the industry. Moreover, if the state has legalized the use of the drug, then it means that the trucking industry should not be an exception since the drivers will use the drug with a disciple to retain their jobs. Therefore, there is a need to remove marijuana from the list of banned substances to encourage more applications from young drivers and retain existing drivers.
Source and credits: @nowthisnews / iTrucker / Mario Pawlowski /