Stevens Tanker Division closes and eliminates 586 jobs across Texas


Published by iTrucker at 08 Oct

Stevens Tanker Division closes and eliminates 586 jobs across Texas

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Story by: Noi Mahoney @FreightWaves I

Dallas-based Stevens Tanker Division has notified the state of Texas it will cease operations by October 15.

The closure will permanently affect 586 jobs across Texas, according to a notice sent to the Texas Workforce Commission.

The tanker division, part of Dallas-based Stevens Transport, serves oil and gas drilling operations in Louisiana, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas. The company was involved in the transport of water and frac sand used for drilling.

Officials at Stevens Tanker Division told employees market volatility and a reduction in frac sand orders were the reasons for closing.

“The final decision to close was the result of unforeseen business developments over which Stevens Tanker Division had no control, including a 65% reduction in sand orders starting on September 20, 2019, and the continual loss of production water due to customers’ increased use of piping,” wrote Stevens Tanker executive vice president Scott Mellman in a letter sent to employees on September 27. According to the article from the and its author Noi Mahoney.

Stevens is one of the largest trucking companies in the U.S., with nearly 2000 trucks, primarily focused on reefer truckload.

Story continues HERE

Source and credits: freightwaves.comNoi Mahoney  /  iTrucker  / Mario Pawlowski  


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