The importance of health insurance for truck drivers


Published by iTrucker at 09 Dec

The importance of health insurance for truck drivers

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Story by: Mario Pawlowski CEO at  iTrucker


Health insurance for truckers, and why it’s important to have one.

Staying healthy is very important. Health insurance provides financial protection in case if you have an accident or you become sick.

Truck drivers are one of the people who are at a higher risk of becoming seriously ill. Trucking is the way of life for millions of people but is also an unhealthy life for most of them.

They spend most of their workday sitting behind the wheel, which can be stressful and leads to many chronic diseases like diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, and much more…

Truck drivers are usually in a rush to deliver their loads on time. They are pressured by their employers, dispatchers, and brokers. Because of that, truckers are usually eating in a rush at the truck stops and rest areas, where usually only food available are fast foods or highly processed and mostly unhealthy eats, like hot-dogs, hamburgers, and other highly processed, pre-cooked foods.

Truck drivers are also one of the “front-line” workers in the Covid-19 era. They are driving all over the country, meeting with the clerks and warehouse workers sometimes a few times a day. That kind of work puts them at high risk of getting infected by a coronavirus and other viruses, like common flu, which can also be deadly.

We asked Dan Reingardt, the CEO of Truckers Health Insurance Network about what was available for truckers and this is what he had to say:

“Of everyone we speak to, Owner Operators find themselves in the worst position when it comes to finding affordable plans. So many drivers we speak to have gone without health insurance because it was simply unaffordable. High deductibles, high copays, and expensive prescription meds have left a bad taste in people’s mouths and made coverage unattainable for most. 

Our company has helped to solve this problem. We are proud to have been able to help thousands of truckers this year. Whether you are managing diabetes, dealing with cancer, or are healthy and are just worried about being covered for the “what ifs” in life, we have plans that will suit your needs. 

We work directly with all of the top carriers in the United States and it has become our mission to make sure not one Trucker goes without health insurance ever again.”

We made a poll at our Facebook Trucking Group on how important is health insurance for truck drivers. Here are the answers:

Click on the post to see full info, or/and join the Facebook group, Truckers of, Past, Present, and Future


iTrucker  / Mario Pawlowski /



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