Truck hung off a cliff for 3 days after driver follow GPS directions (with video)


Published by iTrucker at 14 Jan

Truck hung off a cliff for 3 days after driver follow GPS directions (with video)

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The truck hung off a cliff for three days after the driver follow GPS directions, as you can see in this terrifying video.


The driver of a truck transporting corn seeds experienced moments of horror. Ignoring road signs and listening to the navigation (GPS) directions, he and his co-driver drove onto a winding mountain road north of China. The road was not adapted to such large vehicles. As the driver tried to pull back, his truck hovered over three hundred feet drop. The action of removing the car from the road lasted three days.


According to the “Daily Mail”, the incident occurred on January 1 near the city of Changzhi in northern China. The driver drove the mountain road carved in the rocks, followed the GPS instructions. He admitted that he used non-commercial satellite navigation.

When the truck driver realized that the road was too narrow, he tried to back up. However, he was unable to maneuver the vehicle between the chasm and the rocks. One of the wheels slipped off the edge of the road, and the cabin hung over three hundred feet drop. The driver and his co-driver managed to exit the cabin safely.

Three heavy excavators were needed to pull the truck out. The road was unblocked after three days. – According to the article in Interia.

Source and credits: SCMPNews


iTrucker  / Mario Pawlowski /


trucking, trucks , trucker, truck driver, itrucker

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