Truckers reported closed scale houses, light enforcement during Roadcheck blitz June 4-6

“The International Roadcheck inspection blitz kicked off earlier this week in North America, but some U.S. truckers reported that scale houses in some states were closed or they were waved through the scales because inspectors were busy reviewing other commercial vehicles.” – According to the article in and its author Clarissa Hawes
Hawes also wrote – None of the scale houses were open, it was lighter than normal,” Morrow, director of research and development of Ploger Transportation of Norwalk, Ohio, told FreightWaves. “I called a couple of my friends and asked them if they were seeing anything. We started kicking around the idea that they were just going to wait on all these guys that were sitting at home last week.”
Read the full story HERE
Source and credits: / Clarissa Hawes